When battles are bigger than the characters, this means war.
With too many bodies, even the light rules become cumbersome. It’s time to think in terms of units.
A Unit
A unit is made of a handful of Soldiers (or men with tools in desperate times).
Stats (1-10)
Speed (Spd.)
Attack (Atk.)
Defence (Def.)
Morale (Mrl.)
STAT Conversion
To go from individual to unit stats, choose a relevant Spd./Atk./Def./Mrl. stat and divide by 2.
Test (1d10)
Roll 1d10 >= STAT to succeed. Usually rolls are made per person, roll all the dice at once for a unit.
Tests can be modified, they are applied to the STAT before the roll.
Test Mrl. for each Unit on your side. Each Unit that succeeds may act before the enemy.
A Unit can move their Spd. in units.
They may charge Spd. + 1d6 units, rolling after the initial move.
They may run 2x Spd. units in a straight line and must remain unengaged.
Attack Rolls
Roll 1d10 >= Atk. for each man in a Unit that is engaged. Each success is a hit.
Hits inflict casualties unless defended.
Defence Check
Roll 1d10 >= Def. for each hit against a unit. Each success reduces the hits by 1.
After the defence check, any hits remaining inflict casualties.
Morale Check
Roll 1d10 >= Mrl. as a unit whenever you make a morale check.